Cancellation & Refund Policy

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Cancellation & Refund Policy

We want you to be completely satisfied with the Products or Services you buy from us. If you are unhappy or wish to complain, then please call us on +61 2 8011 3908, or write to us at the address given on this site so that we can discuss your concerns.

If any terms and conditions agreement accompanying the ePractice Product or Service (such as a software licence agreement) contain terms about returning that Product or Service, the returns policy in the terms and conditions agreement shall apply.

Where you have placed an order for ePractice services, but have not yet received them, e.g. for Training, you may cancel and will be refunded the cost of the service minus any reasonable costs that we have already incurred, such as travel, personnel or administrative expenses. These will be made clear to you at the time of cancellation.

Where you have ordered ePractice software and wish to cancel your order, this will be determined by the terms for that product. However, we understand that there are always circumstances where it may not be possible or sensible for you to continue with your product order. Therefore we always aim for a 'common sense' approach and will consider each cancellation request circumstances individually.

Refunds outside the terms of any contract are given at our discretion and are always paid minus any costs incurred by us.

For example, if an order for ePractice Hosted is placed, and the setup of this product has already occurred regardless of whether the client has begun to use the product or not, if we decide to allow the contract to be cancelled the setup charge will not be refunded.

Our rights to cancel

We may cancel your Order and any Contract if:

You order Products or Services that become unavailable, in which case we are not obliged to provide substitute software or substitute services but shall inform you of the unavailability, or

You do not pay us the price due for the Products and/or Services by the due date, or

You are either not able or not authorised to enter into the Contract with us.

If we wish to cancel your Order and any Contract for a Product or Service, we will contact you first to discuss this.