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Practice Management Software for Podiatry

Podiatry Practice Management SoftwarePodiatry in Australia is defined by Australian Podiatry Council as the treatment and diagnoses as well as rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. Bone and joint disorders resulting from arthritis, muscular pathologies and circulatory (vascular) diseases that also include neurological conditions fall under the field of podiatry.

The specialty of Podiatry has now branched into podopaediatrics (treatment of lower limb issues in children), Podiatric sports medicine (foot and lower limb injuries due to overuse, performance enhancement in minimising injuries). Podiatric surgery is the main specialty in the field of Podiatrics. Reconstructive surgery and continued functionality of the foot and ankle areas are the main focus of Podiatric surgeons.

Podiatric practice is one of the early adopters of Practice ManagementSoftware Tools in automating front office tasks and back office routines. ePracticepodiatry practice management software is one of the best desktop applications available in Australia. This software has proved its efficacy with the essential feature of

  • Patient information
    • appointment scheduling
    • tracking
    • reminding via sms
  • Patient billing
  • Patient information
  • Patient treatment plan
    • Soap notes (SOAP notes stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan)

Many patients are covered by private health insurers and it becomes imperative that the patient's EHR (electronic health record) is accessible to enable the patient get health benefits. ePracticepodiatry practice management software ticks all the boxes without the complexity associated with new technology. The desktop application is easy to understand and the simplicity of use immediately transcends into improved efficiency leading to greater productivity. The streamlining of front office operation with back office every day routines makes ePractice PracticeManagement Software for podiatric practice a frim favorite with podiatrists in Australia.


  • Medicare certified for online claim.
  • Integrated HICAPS interface for private health insurance claiming
  • Integrated with Xero accounting system.
  • Patient recalls and planned treatment tracking
  • Integrated with Microsoft Word for letter generation
  • Treatment Plan tracking and creation
  • Patient note history
  • Appointment scheduling, multi location, multi practitioner
  • Appointment remainder and confirmation through SMS and email


  • Improved practice efficiency
  • Improved practice productivity
  • Improved correspondence, marketing, and practice analysis capabilities


  • More time to interact with your patients
  • Happier employees and more satisfied patients
  • An integrated claim solution for private health insurance patients