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Practice Management Tool for Physiotherapists

Physiotherapy Practice Management SoftwarePhysiotherapists are at the forefront of rehab treatments. Their time is limited and their functions are many. Each patient is different from another. As their practice picks up, apart from keeping track of patients, their information, schedules, treatment plans soon becomes a task by itself that swamps the physio. Adding to this information tracking is the health benefits a patient depends on from his / her insurance provider. The documentation required and keeping it up to date requires a back office that starts to eat into the income.

Need for Practice Management

It is time that the physiotherapist seeks the advantages of employing practice management tools. Among the various offerings available online these factors will determine the right fit for a physiotherapy practice. Ticking the following boxes will give the physio an idea of which practice management software is best suited.

Basic Factors of Good PPMS

A good physiotherapy practice management software (PPMS) should streamline business operations that includes

  • patient scheduling
  • billing
  • monthly report
  • patient information
  • treatment plans

ePractice Software Tools

In this regard ePractice physiotherapy practice management software Australia ticks all the boxes with its desktop application. The simplification of labor intense activities regarding patient records has automated several tasks like appointment scheduling, billing, treatment plans and quick retrieval of such information has allowed physiotherapists to focus on their core strength of giving patients the right treatment at the right time. ePractice management software has simplified ease of use and at the same time streamlined back office operations seamlessly with front office efficiency. Its stated aim of boosting operational efficiency has already reaped rewards to many Australian physiotherapists. The ePractice software is the result of software professionals and experienced physiotherapists pooling their knowledge and acumen that has allowed physiotherapists to increase productivity while optimizing resources. The winners are the patients who get the benefit in better treatment and access to information for integrating with EHR.


  • Medicare certified for online claim.
  • Integrated HICAPS interface for private health insurance claiming
  • Integrated with Xero accounting system.
  • Patient recalls and planned treatment tracking
  • Integrated with Microsoft Word for letter generation
  • Treatment Plan tracking and creation
  • Patient note history
  • Appointment scheduling, multi location, multi practitioner
  • Appointment remainder and confirmation through SMS and email


  • Improved practice efficiency
  • Improved practice productivity
  • Improved correspondence, marketing, and practice analysis capabilities


  • More time to interact with your patients
  • Happier employees and more satisfied patients
  • An integrated claim solution for private health insurance patients